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Thread: Empty resolv.conf in Ubuntu Server

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2024

    Empty resolv.conf in Ubuntu Server

    Hello Everyone
    I am new to Ubuntu and Linux in general. I am using Ubuntu Server to run a small home pc for ad blocking on my LAN. I am running Docker Portainer and AdguardHome.
    I changed my resolv.conf because it did not have DNS servers for adguard to work properly. Once I did this it was working great. That is until I started up the System this AM and Adgard was not working. So I checked the resolv.conf and it was epmty. I looked in the /etc/ directory and I have these files:


    Is this normal and What can I do to resolve this? Will I need to edit resolv.conf every time I start the System? Any ideas? TIA

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2010

    Re: Empty resolv.conf in Ubuntu Server

    There's a warning that resolv.conf is managed outside it. That all changes will be overwritten. You didn't say which version of Ubuntu Server you are running, so I have to guess it is recent. To prevent resolv.conf from being modified, you need to disable systemd-resolved. Wouldn't hurt to stop it first, disable it, then purge it from the system. Also, you want to understand symbolic links, since /etc/resolv.conf is usually a symbolic link to the real file elsewhere on the box. That isn't necessary if you are overriding the DNS completely. A normal file will work fine. I don't think anything is too picky about ownership, group or permissions, but these are what definitely work:

    -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 74 Feb 28  2023 /etc/resolv.conf
    Or if you want to keep the local DNS caching server, systemd-resolved, running, you can modify the config file for that tool. Just look for resolved.conf on the system.
    $ locate resolved.conf
    That's on my 22.04-based system. Yours could be different. It is self-documented and there is a manpage for it if you need more details.

    If you are going to run a server, learning some basics would be useful. has them. Start from chapter 1 and go through to first 250-ish pages (finish that chapter). Then you'll be safe enough to google answers.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2014

    Re: Empty resolv.conf in Ubuntu Server

    That file is overwritten on reboot. You could try the suggestion at the link below.


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